
Boosting Curb Appeal

Many homebuyers will drive through a neighborhood to catch a glimpse of a home for sale and decide on the spot whether it’s worth touring. This “curb appeal,” or first impression, is very important to attracting qualified buyers who are more interested in what they see now as opposed to the home’s potential.

It is important to attract as many qualified buyers as possible. One way to do this is by boosting the curb appeal. In preparing your home for sale, it is necessary to envision your home through the buyers’ eyes. There are many ways to freshen up the appearance of your home that doesn’t require remodeling the kitchen or finishing the basement. Below are some helpful suggestions that can make a big difference in how your home is presented to qualified buyers.

  • Mow the lawn; trim trees and shrubs away from the house.
  • Clean and repair all gutters and downspouts.
  • Take out window screens and wash all windows.
  • Remove dead plants, flowers and shrubs.
  • Clean or repaint outdoor furniture.
  • Put away tools, garbage cans, hoses, toys and building materials.
  • Keep patios and decks clear of planters, flower pots, charcoal and barbecues.
  • Power wash the home’s siding or brick to remove any excess debris.
  • Repaint or refinish trim around windows and doors.
  • Check for broken roof shingles.
  • Seal or resurface driveway.
  • Clean or repaint the mailbox.
  • Dress up front yard shrubs & flower beds with fresh mulch.

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